Tempus Developer Quickstart

Source Code

The Tempus source code is version controlled using Git version control at GitHub

The Tempus documentation source code is available at GitHub

Issue Tracking

Track issues on GitHub


Configure your git client

We recommend running the following git config commands in order to ensure that git checks out the repository in a consistent manner. These changes are particularly important if running on Windows, as the git client has trouble with long filenames otherwise. Additionally, in Windows, the default behavior of the git client, when installed, is to set the core.autocrlf configuration option to true, which can cause some of the unit tests to fail.

git config --global core.longpaths true
git config --global core.autocrlf false

Checking out from Git

To check out the code:

git clone https://github.com/hashmapinc/Tempus.git

Then checkout the ‘master’ branch

git checkout master

The master branch currently represents the last release of Tempus. If you would like to work on the active / stable branch you need to check out the ‘dev’ branch.

git checkout dev

Tempus Development Environment Setup


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Make
  • Maven > 3.1
  • JDK 11

Source Code

The Tempus source code is version controlled using Git version control at GitHub

The Tempus documentation source code is available at GitHub

Issue Tracking

Track issues on GitHub


The TempusDevEnvironment orchestrates the setup of a developer environment suitable for demos or development work. This setup requires 3 repositories to be pulled:

  1. TempusDevEnvironment (this one)
  2. Tempus (described above)
  3. Nifi-simulator-bundle (described below)

Checking out the TempusDevEnvironment from Git

To clone the TempusDevEnvironment code:

git clone https://github.com/hashmapinc/TempusDevEnvironment.git

To clone out the simulator bundle:

git clone https://github.com/hashmapinc/nifi-simulator-bundle.git

Once you have cloned both repositories edit the Makefile in the root of the TempusDevEnvironment project.

Modify the top 2 lines that specify PROJECT_DIR (this is the root of the Tempus project) and the SIM_PROJECT_DIR (this is the simulator bundle that was cloned with the command above).

There are 6 options in this make file:

  1. Install
    • This will only build Tempus and the Simulator bundle following the steps in the first section
  2. Copy
    • This will copy the files to the appropriate place so the docker images can be built
  3. Build
    • This will build and start the docker compose
  4. Build-ldap
    • This will build the environment with openLdap and ldapAdmin

To get started run

make all